1-800-ASPHALT (608-862-3141)
Hot Mix Asphalt/Cold Mix Asphalt/Binder Course
Bartelt Enterprises, Inc. uses asphalt mixes from area asphalt-producing plants. The asphalt producing plants we utilize:
Modified Asphalt Emulsion Sealer - more information
Bartelt Enterprises, Inc./Bartelt Asphalt Paving and Maintenance uses only the highest quality asphalt emulsion sealer. Asphalt emulsion sealer is an eco-friendly seal coat. Our products DO NOT contain coal tar or any of its ingredients.
Crack Sealant
Site work
Grading Our skilled asphalt prep/grading crews can work within existing control points to give you the best results, both for unpaved gravel areas, and in preparation for new asphalt pavement.
Asphalt grade is limited to the control points set by existing asphalt, landscaping, and concrete curbing. Drainage MUST be at least 2% or greater to warranty against puddles. Grades with less than 2% drainage are not warrantied against puddles.
Patching We are equipped to patch damaged or deteriorated sections of existing asphalt if needed. Sawcut and patch repairs are done to large areas by removing and replacing the areas of failed asphalt. We are equipped to replace existing concrete and/or asphalt with new asphalt, or excavate to create the asphalt area of your needs.
Infrared Pavement Repair
If you have any cracks in your asphalt, it means water and moisture are building up which can freeze over winter and cause the cracks to expand. Without repair and maintenance, the water will continue to undermine the asphalt and soften the base, causing more cracking and premature failure of the pavement. We provide a complete crack and joint/union maintenance service! We route, heat lance and use hot applied crack sealant on your driveway, parking lot, roadways or any asphalt paved surface.
Line Striping/Traffic Markings
Hot Mix Asphalt/Cold Mix Asphalt/Binder Course
Bartelt Enterprises, Inc. uses asphalt mixes from area asphalt-producing plants. The asphalt producing plants we utilize:
Modified Asphalt Emulsion Sealer - more information
Bartelt Enterprises, Inc./Bartelt Asphalt Paving and Maintenance uses only the highest quality asphalt emulsion sealer. Asphalt emulsion sealer is an eco-friendly seal coat. Our products DO NOT contain coal tar or any of its ingredients.
Crack Sealant
Site work
Grading Our skilled asphalt prep/grading crews can work within existing control points to give you the best results, both for unpaved gravel areas, and in preparation for new asphalt pavement.
Asphalt grade is limited to the control points set by existing asphalt, landscaping, and concrete curbing. Drainage MUST be at least 2% or greater to warranty against puddles. Grades with less than 2% drainage are not warrantied against puddles.
Patching We are equipped to patch damaged or deteriorated sections of existing asphalt if needed. Sawcut and patch repairs are done to large areas by removing and replacing the areas of failed asphalt. We are equipped to replace existing concrete and/or asphalt with new asphalt, or excavate to create the asphalt area of your needs.
Infrared Pavement Repair
If you have any cracks in your asphalt, it means water and moisture are building up which can freeze over winter and cause the cracks to expand. Without repair and maintenance, the water will continue to undermine the asphalt and soften the base, causing more cracking and premature failure of the pavement. We provide a complete crack and joint/union maintenance service! We route, heat lance and use hot applied crack sealant on your driveway, parking lot, roadways or any asphalt paved surface.
Line Striping/Traffic Markings