*Don't Be Fooled By Imitators Using Our Good Name - See Details

1-800-ASPHALT (608-862-3141)

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"It’s nice to drive in the garage without the bumps. We are interested in having you do a sealing job next year...."

Charles H

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Don't Be Fooled By Imitators Using Our Good Name

Our reputation for quality and value is long established - so it's upsetting to learn that area residents and businesses have recently been solicited by someone representing themselves as us, Bartelt Enterprises, by using our name and logo.  

What can you do to identify the fraud and protect yourself? Our phone number is 1-800-Asphalt and used exclusively by us in our area. If you see any other number on their card, or vehicle, please call 1-800-ASPHALT immediately and help us identify the perpetrators. Our local number is 608-862-3141.

It's important to note that none of our company vehicles are vans. Legitimate members of our team carry official business cards and display our logos on their vehicles, complete with our recognizable 1-800-Asphalt phone number. If anyone receives unsolicited contact from someone claiming to be us, we strongly encourage them to reach out to our office with any available information.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.